The smart pet tag

Emergency contact
Name of the favorite:
Allergies / Medication:
Here's how it works:
- Securely attach the smart pet tag to your pet’s collar
- Scan the smart pet tag by holding your smartphone with NFC function to the tag (Depending on your smartphone, the app“NFC21 Reader” facilitates the scanning process).
- Sign up for your subscription and store your dog or cat’s name, neighborhood and health information
- Enter your contact information
- Ready
Finders can now scan the tag and get instant access to your contact information so they can reach you quickly and easily.
How do I scan NFC tags or QR codes?
The process is simple, but depends on your phone. We hereby explain to you how the process looks like for iPhone and Android devices.
Open the settings and search for "NFC". Enable the NFC reader function
Unlock your smartphone screen and touch the smart token. Depending on the model, hold the top left edge or the back side against the NFC tag
Normally, your smartphone will automatically detect the tag within a few seconds and display a notification to open the web page
Please note that the NFC tag in the smart pet tag has a very short range. You must therefore touch the mark directly with the smartphone.
In addition, NFC tags are not read permanently, but at regular intervals to minimize power consumption. The exact duration between scans can vary and is controlled by Android to maximize battery life. If you want to read the smart pet tag with high accuracy and response time, it may be useful to use a special NFC app (we recommend NFC21 Reader) from the App Store that enables simple NFC scans.
NFC21 Reader
Detailed instructions
Reading the NFC tag is active as soon as the iPhone screen is turned on
Hold your iPhone with the back against the NFC tag, touching the top edge of the smart pet tag.
Normally your iPhone will automatically detect the tag within a few seconds and display a notification to open the web page
Please note that the NFC tag in the smart pet tag has a very short range. You must therefore touch the tag directly with the smartphone.
In addition, NFC tags are not read permanently, but at regular intervals to minimize power consumption. The exact duration between scans can vary and is controlled by Apple to maximize battery life. If you want to read the smart pet tag with high accuracy and response time, it may be useful to use a special NFC app (we recommend NFC21 Reader) from the App Store that enables simple NFC scans.
NFC21 Reader
Open the control center and tap the NFC button to turn on NFC reading
Hold your iPhone with the back against the NFC tag, touching the top edge of the smart marker.
Normally your Iphone will automatically detect the tag within a few seconds and display a notification to open the web page
Please note that the NFC tag in the smart pet tag has a very short range. You must therefore touch the mark directly with the smartphone.
In addition, NFC tags are not read permanently, but at regular intervals to minimize power consumption. The exact duration between scans can vary and is controlled by Apple to maximize battery life. If you want to read the smart pet tag with high accuracy and response time, it may be useful to use a special NFC app (we recommend NFC21 Reader) from the App Store that enables simple NFC scans.
NFC21 Reader